Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
- Distribution of studied patients according to their demographics, comorbidity and family history of hearing loss (N=33).
Variable n (%) Age (mean 9 years, 108 months) Pediatric (mean 3 years, 36 months) 108 (81.2) Adult (mean 36 years, 432 months) 25 (18.8) Gender Female 58 (43.6) Male 75 (56.4) Nationality Non-Saudi 5 (3.8) Saudi 128 (96.2) Residency From Makkah 67 (50.4) From outside Makkah 66 (49.6) Comorbidity No 77 (74.0) Yes 27 (26.0) If having comorbidity, specify ?(n=27) Sudden sensory neural hearing loss (SSNHL) 5 (3.8) Consanguinity 10 (7.5) Cochlear implantation 24 (18) Cardiac disease 7 (5.3) Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (DLD) 3 (2.3) Enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndrome (EVAS) 3 (2.3) Epilepsy 2 (1.5) Pierre Roben sequel 4 (3.0) Cogan syndrome 2 (1.6) Other 26 (19.5) Family history of hearing loss No 107 (80.5) Yes 26 (19.5) - Table 2
- Distribution of studied patients according to peri natal history, vaccination status, auditory brainstem response (ABR)– pure-tone audiometry (PTA) (N=133).
Variable n (%) Abnormal perinatal history No 109 (82) Yes 24 (18) If abnormal perinatal history, specify: (n=24) Birth asphyxia 4 (16.6) Infection during pregnancy 4 (16.6) NICU admission 17 (70.8) Cytomegalovirus 2 (8.3) High grade fever and meningitis 3 (12.5) Prematurity 5 (20.8) Congenital anomaly 4 (16.6) Vaccination status Needing vaccines pre-operative 28 (21.1) Vaccinated up to date at time of presentation 105 (78.9) ABR – PTA Bilateral profound SNHL 97 (72.9) Bilateral severe to profound SNHL 1 (0.8) Bilateral severe to profound SNHL with DLD 2 (1.5) Bilateral total hearing loss 5 (3.8) Bilateral total SNHL 19 (14.3) Left total hearing loss and right moderately severe hearing loss 1 (0.8) Right profound SNHL and left total SNHL 2 (1.5) Right severe SNHL and left severe to profound SNHL 2 (1.5) Right side had channels working and open circuit 1 (0.8) Right total hearing loss and left severe MHL with excellent speech 1 (0.8) Right total SNHL 1 (0.8) NICU: neonatal intensive care unit, DLD: Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase, SNHL: sensory neural hearing loss
- Table 3
- Distribution of studied patients according to case, unplanted side, and cochlear implant (CI) company (N=133).
Variable n (%) Primary versus revision Revision case 5 (3.8) Primary case 128 (96.3) Implanted side Bilateral simultaneous 50 (37.6) Left 34 (25.6) Right 49 (36.8) CI company AB 10 (7.5) Cochlear 38 (28.6) Medel 85 (63.9) - Table 4
- Distribution of studied patients according to intraoperative and postoperative complications (N=133).
Variable n (%) Intraoperative complications No 126 (94.7) Yes 7 (5.3) Electrode insertion difficulty 1 Procedure termination due to perforated tympanic membrane 1 Difficulty visualizing the round window 2 Fibrosis of the round window post-meningitis 2 Moderate gusher 1 Post-operative complications No 122 (91.7) Yes 11 (8.3) Forehead trauma 1 Delayed wound healing 1 Wound infection 2 Wound dehiscence 1 Postoperative vertigo, nausea, and vomiting 2 Ear infection 2 Facial nerve palsy 2 Variable n (%) Follow-up No 8 (6.0) Yes 125 (94.0) Tele-practice No 108 (81.3) Yes 25 (18.8)