Article Figures & Data
Variables n (%) Nationality Saudi 319 (83.7) Non-Saudi 62 (16.3) Age (years) 23-34 167 (43.8) 35-44 149 (39.1) 45-54 56 (14.7) 55-64 8 (2.1) 65 or older 1 (0.3) Gender Male 159 (41.7) Female 222 (58.3) Occupation Allied health 112 (29.4) Physician 43 (11.3) Nurse 87 (22.8) Pharmacist 20 (5.2) Technician 39 (10.2) Administrative 63 (16.5) Other 17 (4.6) Type of organization Public 333 (87.4) Private 48 (12.6) Years of experience 1-5 122 (32.0) 6-10 75 (19.7) more than 10 184 (48.3) Education Diploma 35 (9.2) Bachelor’s 229 (60.1) Master’s 78 (20.5) PhD 33 (8.7) Residency 4 (1.0) Other 2 (0.5) Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%).
- Table 2
- Privacy in the electronic medical records within the studied healthcare settings.
Privacy in the EMR items No Yes Not sure Mean±SD P-values Healthcare staff are familiar with EMRs in their healthcare settings. 24 (6.3) 302 (79.3) 55 (14.4) 2.73±0.569 0.00 Patient records are protected against unauthorized access in the healthcare settings. 44 (11.5) 265 (69.6) 72 (18.9) 2.58±0.689 0.00 Healthcare settings established clear policy on EMRs privacy. 26 (6.8) 287 (75.3) 68 (17.8) 2.68±0.594 0.00 Healthcare staff access a colleague’s EMR without permission out of curiosity. 241 (63.3) 97 (25.5) 43 (11.2) 2.37±0.864 0.00 Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%) and mean ± standard deviation (SD). EMRs: electronic medical records
Lack of privacy in EMR items Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Mean±SD P-values Concerns regarding the lack of privacy in EMRs has impact on patient and staff confidentiality. 26 (6.8) 39 (10.2) 74 (19.4) 117 (30.7) 125 (32.8) 3.72±1.214 0.041 Healthcare staff avoids seeking medical care in their organization due to the lack of privacy in EMRs. 71 (18.6) 87 (22.8) 89 (23.4) 62 (16.3) 72 (18.9) 2.94±1.376 0.62 The lack of privacy in EMRs has increased staff personal stress levels. 31 (8.1) 88 (23.1) 112 (29.4) 101 (26.5) 49 (12.9) 3.13±1.150 0.010 Extra work is required to enhance the privacy and security of EMRs. 8 (2.1) 12 (3.1) 54 (14.2) 157 (41.2) 150 (39.4) 4.12±0.914 0.038 The lack of privacy in EMRs influences the behavior of the staff toward me in a negative way. 34 (8.9) 87 (22.8) 172 (45.1) 50 (13.1) 38 (10.0) 2.92±1.055 0.75 Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%) and mean ± standard deviation (SD). EMRs: electronic medical records
- Table 4
- Perceptions of privacy and lack of privacy across participants’ characteristics.
Variables Privacy and EMRs Effects of lack of privacy in EMRs on the healthcare staff n (%) Mean±SD P-values n (%) Mean±SD P-values Type of organization Private 48 (12.6) 2.52±0.284 0.829 48 (12.6) 3.12±0.817 0.160 Public 333 (87.6) 2.53±0.327 333 (87.6) 3.30±0.820 Age (years) 23-34 167 (43.8) 2.50±0.358 0.392 167 (43.8) 3.41±0.844 0.005 35-44 149 (39.1) 2.54±0.307 149 (39.1) 3.24±0.781 45-54 56 (14.7) 2.60±0.238 56 (14.7) 3.06±0.786 55-64 8 (2.1) 2.52±0.301 8 (2.1) 2.85±0.687 65 or older 1 (0.3) 2.60 1 (0.3) 1.66 Years of experience 1-5 122 (32.0) 2.50±0.362 0.024 122 (32.0) 3.46±0.810 0.011 6-10 75 (19.7) 2.47±0.328 75 (19.7) 3.2±0.775 More than 10 184 (48.3) 2.58±0.284 184 (48.3) 3.17±0.829 Education Diploma 35 (9.2) 2.57±0.303 0.900 35 (9.2) 3.31±0.751 0.006 Bachelor’s 229 (60.1) 2.53±0.329 229 (60.1) 3.26±0.862 Master’s 78 (20.5) 2.51±0.328 78 (20.5) 3.51±0.706 PhD 33 (8.6) 2.54±0.285 33 (8.6) 2.84±0.713 Residency 4 (1.0) 2.45±0.341 4 (1.0) 3.21±0.737 Other 2 (0.6) 2.70±0.424 2 (0.6) 3.00±0.471 Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%) and mean ± standard deviation (SD). EMRs: electronic medical records