Index by author
October 01, 2018; Volume 39,Issue 10
Karaman, Tugba
- Open AccessEvaluation of the perfusion index according to the visual analog scale in postoperative patientsHakan Tapar, Mustafa Suren, Serkan Karaman, Serkan Dogru, Tugba Karaman, Aynur Sahin and Fatih AltıparmakSaudi Medical Journal October 2018, 39 (10) 1006-1010; DOI:
Karaoglan, İlkay
- Open AccessAssessment of histopathological alterations in patients with chronic hepatitis B infection following long-term oral antiviral therapyAhmet Şahin, Mustafa Namıduru, Ayhan Balkan, İlkay Karaoğlan and Murat T. GülşenSaudi Medical Journal October 2018, 39 (10) 999-1005; DOI:
Kelekci, Sefa
- Open AccessCan we use serum Anti-Mullerian hormone to differentiate the diagnosis between polycystic ovary syndrome patients and healthy women with polycystic ovarian morphology and regular menstrual cyclesHüseyin Aydoğmuş, Sefa Kelekçi, Ferhan Elmalı and Serpil AydoğmuşSaudi Medical Journal October 2018, 39 (10) 1011-1016; DOI:
Kfoury, Hala M.
- Open AccessThe long-term outcomes and histological transformation in class II lupus nephritisAbdulkareem O. Alsuwaida, Amaar A. Bakhit, Feras A. Alsuwaida, Junaid J. Wadera, Hala M. Kfoury and Sufia HusainSaudi Medical Journal October 2018, 39 (10) 990-993; DOI:
Koksal, Ceren
- Open AccessEvaluation of the effects of dexmedetomidine and remifentanil on pain with the analgesia nociception index in the perioperative period in hysteroscopies under general anesthesiaMustafa Gazi, Süheyla Abitağaoğlu, Güldem Turan, Ceren Köksal, Fatma Nur Akgün and Dilek E. ArıSaudi Medical Journal October 2018, 39 (10) 1017-1022; DOI:
Mustafa, Muna H.
- Open AccessThe importance of hand hygiene education on primary schoolgirls’ absence due to upper respiratory infections in Saudi ArabiaAbrar A. Alzaher, Sami S. Almudarra, Muna H. Mustafa and Ibrahim M. GosadiSaudi Medical Journal October 2018, 39 (10) 1044-1049; DOI:
Namiduru, Mustafa
- Open AccessAssessment of histopathological alterations in patients with chronic hepatitis B infection following long-term oral antiviral therapyAhmet Şahin, Mustafa Namıduru, Ayhan Balkan, İlkay Karaoğlan and Murat T. GülşenSaudi Medical Journal October 2018, 39 (10) 999-1005; DOI:
Ozgurtas, Taner
- Open AccessEvaluation of the effects of different treatment modalities on angiogenesis in heart failure patients with reduced/mid-range ejection fraction via VEGF and sVEGFR-1Ismail Erturk, Kenan Saglam, Sadi Elasan, Musa B. Aykan, Ramazan Acar, Fatih Yesildal, Fevzi N. Aydin and Taner OzgurtasSaudi Medical Journal October 2018, 39 (10) 1028-1034; DOI:
Paliadelis, Penny
- Open AccessKnowledge and awareness of diabetes mellitus and its risk factors in Saudi ArabiaFaisal K. Alanazi, Jazi S. Alotaibi, Penny Paliadelis, Nada Alqarawi, Abdalkarem Alsharari and Bander AlbagawiSaudi Medical Journal October 2018, 39 (10) 981-989; DOI:
Saglam, Kenan
- Open AccessEvaluation of the effects of different treatment modalities on angiogenesis in heart failure patients with reduced/mid-range ejection fraction via VEGF and sVEGFR-1Ismail Erturk, Kenan Saglam, Sadi Elasan, Musa B. Aykan, Ramazan Acar, Fatih Yesildal, Fevzi N. Aydin and Taner OzgurtasSaudi Medical Journal October 2018, 39 (10) 1028-1034; DOI: