Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
- Socio-demographic characteristics of DM patients with and without DN and healthy participants, Bisha, Saudi Arabia.
Variables Participants P-value DM with DN DM without DN Healthy control Age 54.1±12.8 54.1±12.8 53.5±13.1 0.9752 Gender Male 53 53 53 1.000 Female 49 49 49 Occupation Private 55 9 1 0.001 Public 22 93 101 Others 25 0 0 Marital status Married 99 93 89 0.036 Single 3 9 13 Education Educated 88 82 73 0.033 Not educated 14 20 29 Financial satisfaction Satisfied 92 98 89 0.080 Not satisfied 10 4 13 Smoking Yes 14 11 17 0.475 No 88 91 85 DN: diabetic neuropathy, DM: diabetes mellitus
- Table 2
- Comparison of diabetes-related characteristics across patients with and without diabetic neuropathy, Bisha, Saudi Arabia.
Diabetes –related characteristics No/Total OR 95%CI of OR P-value Nephropathy Present 13/102 2.80 0.90, 10.52 0.048 Absent 5/102 TIA Present 10/102 1.10 0.39,3.28 0.810 Absent 9/102 Retinopathy Present 13/102 2.80 0.90, 10.52 0.048 Absent 5/102 Hypertension Present 48/102 0.96 0 .54, 1.73 0.889 Absent 49/102 Dyslipidemia Present 59/102 1.10 0.62,2.04 0.672 Absent 56/102 Foot ulcers Present 4/102 2.00 0.28, 22.96 0.407 Absent 2/102 Urinary incontinence Present 24/102 0.90 0.43,1.69 0.628 Absent 27/102 Adherence to medications Present 94/102 0.90 0.26, 2.86 0.786 Absent 95/102 Physical inactivity Present 94/102 0.60 0.15, 2.19 0.390 Absent 95/102 OR: odds ratio, CI: confidence interval, TIA: transient ischemic attack
HRQoLdomains Mean±SD MD 95%CI of MD P-value DM with DN versus DM without DN Physical functioning DM with DN 31.6 ± 11.2 26.47 24.00, 28.96 <0.001 DM without DN 5.2 ± 6.2 ADLS DM with DN 10.2 ± 6.2 10.00 8.77, 11.23 <0.001 DM without DN 0.2 ± 0.9 Symptoms DM with DN 11.8 ± 4.9 9.81 8.80, 10.83 <0.001 DM without DN 2.0 ± 1.8 Small fibers DM with DN 9.9 ± 4.1 9.28 8.38,10.17 <0.001 DM without DN 0.6 ± 1.9 Autonomic DM with DN 7.2 ± 3.5 6.81 6.10,7.53 <0.001 DM without DN 0.4 ± 1.2 Overall DM with DN 70.8 ± 24.8 62.37 57.21,67.53 <0.001 DM without DN 8.4 ± 9.2 DM with DN versus healthy population Physical functioning DM with DN 31.6 ± 11.2 31.61 29.42, 33.79 <0.001 Healthy population 0.01 ± 0.02 ADLS DM with DN 10.2 ± 6.2 10.23 9.01, 11.44 <0.001 Healthy population 0.095 ± 0 Symptoms DM with DN 11.8 ± 4.9 9.24 8.12,10.35 <0.001 Healthy population 2.6 ± 2.9 Small fibers DM with DN 9.9 ± 4.1 9.91 9.10, 0.72 <0.001 Healthy population 0.1 ± 0.02 Autonomic DM with DN 70 ± 3.5 7.21 6.53, 7.89 <0.001 Healthy population 0.1 ± 0.01 Overall DM with DN 70.8 ± 32 70.79 65.96, 75.63 <0.001 Healthy population 0.1 ± 0.03 HRQoL: health-realted qulaity of life, MD: mean difference, DN: diabetic neuropathy, DM: diabetic mellitus, SD: standard deviation, ADLS: activities of daily living
- Table 4
- Correlation between covariates and HRQoL among patients with DM and DN, Bisha, Saudi Arabia.
DN-QOL Variables Total Physical functioning ADL Symptoms Small fibers Autonomic *NDS ρ=0.71 p<0.001 ρ=0.64 p<0.001 ρ=0.60 p<0.001 ρ=-0.36 p=0.002 ρ=0.62 p<0.001 ρ=0.55 p<0.001 **NSS ρ= 0.81 p<0.001 ρ=-0.79 p<0.001 ρ=0.85 p<0.001 ρ= 0.68 p<0.001 ρ=0.80p<0.001 ρ 0.80p<0.001 Body mass index ρ=0.10 p=0.093 ρ= 0.09 p=0.119 ρ=0.16 p=0.005 ρ=-0.13 p=0.029 ρ=0.11 p-=0.061 ρ=0.15 p<0.008 Duration of DM ρ=0.82 p<0.001 ρ=0.79 p<0.001 ρ=0.77 p<0.001 ρ= 0.75 p<0.001 ρ=0.76 p<0.001 ρ=0.73 p<0.001 Hemoglobin A1C ρ=0.30 p<0.001 ρ=0.30 p<0.001 ρ=0.30 p<0.001 ρ= 0.22 p=0.001 ρ=0.27 p=0.001 ρ=0.26 p<0.001 Age ρ=0.008 p=0.896 ρ=0.01 p=0.9317 ρ=0.01 p=0.936 ρ= 0.06 p=0.291 ρ=0.02 p=0.735 ρ=0.05 p=0.399 *NDS: neuropathy disability score, **NSS: neuropathy symptoms score HRQoL:health-realted qulaity of life, DN: diabetic neuropathy, DM: diabetic mellitus, ADL: activity of daily living
NCS(Abnormal=73 Normal=9) Mean MD 95%CI of MD P-value All Abnormal 78.89 (23.4) 19.45 3.01, 35.88 0.011 Normal 59.44 (23.3) Physical functioning Abnormal 35.14 (10.6) 9.69 2.27, 8.56 0.005 Normal 25.44 (9.7) ADLS Abnormal 12.19 (5.9) 4.41 0.31, 17.07 0.019 Normal 7.78 (6.0) Symptoms Abnormal 12.12 (5.9) -0.76 -4.18, 2.65 0.672 Normal 12.89 (3.4) Small fibers Abnormal 11.23 (3.6) 3.68 1.08, 6.27 0.003 Normal 7.56 (4.1) Autonomic Abnormal 8.21 (3.1) Normal 5.78 (3.0) 2.43 0.23, 4.62 0.015 MD: mean difference, NCS: nerve conduction studies, ADLS: activities of daily living
- Table 6
- Summary of Rosai-Dorfman disease cases from 2 tertiary hospitals in the Western regions of Saudi Arabia.
Variable Coefficient SE t 95%CI P-value Age -0.27 0.12 -0.22 -0.28, 0.22 0.827 Gender -0.34 2.72 -0.12 -5.79,5.11 0.902 Education -7.67 6.68 -1.15 -21.04,5.70 0.256 Marital status -18.09 12.35 -1.46 -42.82,6.63 0.148 Body mass index 0.23 0.28 0.82 -0.33,0.78 0.413 Hemoglobin A1c -1.24 1.61 -0.77 -4.46,1.98 0.444 Smoking 12.90 17.51 0.74 -22.14,47.95 0.464 Physical inactivity -14.53 7.01 -2.07 -28.56, -0.50 0.043* TIA -10.57 9.30 -1.14 -29.18,8.03 0.260 Retinopathy -3.33 14.98 -0.22 -33.32,26.66 0.825 Financial satisfaction 0.47 9.72 0.05 -18.99,19.92 0.962 Ulcers -2.79 6.45 -0.43 -15.70,10.13 0.668 Urinary incontinence -4.34 3.61 -1.20 -11.56, 2.88 0.234 Adherence -4.18 5.32 -0.79 -14.82,6.47 0.435 Duration of DM 2.08 0.42 4.93 1.24, 2.93 0.001* Neuropathy disability score -6.10 1.38 -4.44 -8.86-3.35 0.001* Neuropathy symptoms score -1.71 0.85 -2.02 -3.40, -0.01 0.048* Dyslipidemia 1.46 2.89 0.50 -4.32,7.24 0.616 NCS 13.09 5.24 2.5 2.32,23.86 0.019 HRQoL:health-realted qulaity of life, Ci: confidence interval, NCS: nerve conduction studies, DM: diabetes mellitus, DN: diabetic neuropathy, TIA: transient ischemic attack, SE: standard error