Article Figures & Data
Groups Number of cases Tumor indicators CEA (ng/ml) CA242 (u/ml) CA724 (u/ml) CA199 (u/ml) Normal 40 2.1±0.79 4.52±1.34 2.14±0.42 11.01±2.57 LGIN† 43 2.33±0.93 4.24±1.13 2.30±0.67 10.24±1.96 HGIN† 25 2.41±0.67 7.37±2.01 2.92±0.89 11.38±2.39 EGC† 63 2.86±1.09 6.97±2.31 3.61±1.03 17.25±4.17 AGC† 40 3.4±0.85 17.36±3.97 3.17±1.04 34.19±5.74 P-values p>0.05* p<0.05* p>0.05* p<0.05* p>0.05† p>0.05† p>0.05† p>0.05† Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD).
↵* comparison among all groups
↵† comparison among the LGIN, HGIN, and EGC groups.
CEA: carcinoembryonic antigen, CA: carbohydrate antigen, LGIN: low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia, HGIN: high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia, EGC: early gastric cancer, AGC: advanced gastric cancer
- Table 2
- Pepsinogen I, pepsinogen II, and gastrin-17 levels in early gastric cancer and intraepithelial neoplasia.
Groups PGI PGII PGR G-17 Control 143.15±21.26 16.87±3.61 10.89±1.49 10.05±2.59 LGIN† 187.21±25.73 18.95±3.96 12.33±2.82 14.26±3.47 HGIN† 146.16±17.48 17.76±4.71 13.19±3.30 18.66±4.82 EGC† 119.35±25.52 20.55±4.57 11.24±2.75 21.72±5.58 Advanced cancer 94.85±28.72 17.3± 5.23 9.83±2.67 22.38±5.35 P-values p<0.05* p>0.05* p>0.05* p<0.05* p<0.05† p>0.05† p>0.05† p<0.05† Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD).
↵* comparison among all groups
↵† comparison among the LGIN, HGIN, and EGC groups.
PG: pepsinogen, PGR: PGI/PGII ratio, G-17: gastrin-17, LGIN: low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia, HGIN: high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia, EGC: early gastric cancer
- Table 3
- Indices of serum gastric function in Helicobacter pylori-infect`ed and uninfected patients.
Groups PGI PGII G-17 H. pylori (+) P-value H. pylori (-) P-value H. pylori (+) P-value H. pylori (-) P-value H. pylori (+) P-value H. pylori (-) P-value LGIN 238.51±25.48 <0.05 157.82±14.78 <0.05 27.6±3.57 <0.05 14.05±2.01 <0.05 10.98±1.74 >0.05 13.83±2.35 >0.05 HGIN 171.13±21.46 109.00±11.25 22.70±4.82 16.97±3,14 13.49±2.85 16.13±3.48 EGC 130.82±18.37 103.47±9.87 13.69±2.18 9.83±1.78 22.51±3.94 20.41±4.06 Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD). PG: pepsinogen, G-17: gastrin-17, H. pylori: Helicobacter pylori, LGIN: low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia, HGIN: high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia, EGC: early gastric cancer
Groups Cases Ki67 P-values P-values* Negative + ++ +++ Positive Positive rate (%) Negative control 20 14 4 2 0 6 30.0 LGIN 43 23 16 4 0 20 46.5 HGIN 25 11 11 3 0 14 56.0 EGC 63 17 13 25 8 46 73.0 >0.05 AGC 20 3 2 8 7 17 85.0 <0.05 LGIN: low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia, HGIN: high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia, EGC: early gastric cancer, AGC: advanced gastric cancer, P: comparison among these groups.
↵P*: comparison among LGIN, HGIN, early gastric cancer
Groups Cases p27 P-values P-values* <10% 10-20% 21-30% 30% above Abnornal expression rate (%) Negative control 20 1 2 0 17 15.0 LGIN 43 3 3 0 37 13.9 HGIN 25 4 4 17 0 32.0 EGC 63 34 10 5 14 69.8 <0.05 AGC 20 11 4 4 1 75.0 <0.05 LGIN: low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia, HGIN: high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia, EGC: early gastric cancer, AGC: advanced gastric cancer, P: comparison among these group
↵P*: comparison among LGIN, GHIN, ECG