Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
- Healthy Yemeni participant’s gender, age, ABO phenotype, Rh groups, and secretor status.
Variables n (%) Gender Male 140 (65.1) Female 75 (34.9) Age (years) 10-20 47 (21.9) 21-30 116 (53.9) 31-40 35 (16.3) 41-60 17 (7.9) ABO blood group A 76 (35.4) B 42 (19.5) AB 26 (12.1) O 71 (33.0) Rh blood group D positive 174 (81.9) D negative 41 (19.1) Secretor state Secretor 168 (78.1) Non-secretor 47 (21.9) Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%).
Variables n (%) Periodontal or teeth problems Yes 126 (58.6) No 89 (41.4) Brush teeth Several times per day 12 (5.6) Daily 27 (12.6) Weekly 45 (20.9) Monthly 42 (19.5) No 89 (41.4) Gum consumption Yes 74 (34.4) No 141 (65.6) Smoking Yes 46 (21.4) No 169 (78.6) Qat chawing Yes 165 (76.7) No 50 (23.3) Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%).
- Table 3
- Secretor prevalence and its association with Yemeni participant’s gender and age.
Variables Secretors Non-secretors ORs 95% CIs P-values Gender Male 112 (80.0) 28 (20.0) 1.46 0.75-2.81 0.344 Female 55 (73.3) 20 (26.7) Age groups 10-20 32 (68.1) 15 (31.9) - - - 21-30 90 (77.6) 26 (22.4) 1.62 0.76-3.44 0.205 31-40 31 (88.6) 4 (11.4) 3.63 1.09-12.16 0.026 41-50 12 (85.7) 2 (14.3) 2.81 0.56-14.18 0.172 51-60 2 (66.7) 1 (33.3) 0.94 0.08-11.17 0.695 Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%). ORs: odds ratios, CIs: confidence intervals
Secretion status Event blood group Non-event blood group ORs 95% CIs P-values A Non-A Secretor 55 (72.0) 112 (81.0) 0.63 0.33-1.22 0.226 Non-secretors 21 (28.0) 27 (19.0) B Non-B Secretor 30 (71.0) 137 (79.0) 0.66 0.31-1.41 0.380 Non-secretors 12 (29.0) 36 (21.0) AB Non-AB Secretor 14 (54.0) 153 (81.0) 0.28 0.12-0.64 0.004 Non-secretors 12 (46.0) 36 (19.0) O Non-O Secretor 67 (95.0) 100 (69.0) 7.37 2.53-21.47 <0.001 Non-secretors 4 (5.0) 44 (31.0) Rh positive Rh negative Secretor 131 (76.0) 36 (83.0) 0.62 0.26-1.50 0.390 Non-secretors 41 (24.0) 7 (17.0) Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%). ORs: odds ratios, CIs: confidence intervals
- Table 5
- Secretor frequency and its association with potential of hydrogen and consistence properties of saliva.
Saliva characteristics Secretors Non-secretors ORs 95% CIs P-values pH Acidic 92 (82.2) 20 (17.8) 1.72 0.90-3.29 0.140 Alkalin 75 (72.8) 28 (27.2) Consistency Normal watery clear 97 (75.8) 31 (24.2) - - - Frothy bubbly 34 (79.1) 9 (20.9) 1.21 0.52-2.79 0.659 Sticky frothy 36 (81.8) 8 (18.2) 1.44 0.61-3.42 0.409 Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%). ORs: odds ratios, CIs: confidence intervals
Total teeth score Secretors Non-secretors ORs 95% CIs P-values 0 68 (76.4) 21 (23.6) - - - 1 49 (80.3) 12 (19.7) 1.26 0.57-2.80 0.712 2 26 (76.5) 8 (23.5) 1.01 0.40-2.55 0.818 3 11 (78.6) 3 (21.4) 1.13 0.29-4.44 0.871 4 or more 13 (76.5) 4 (23.5) 1.01 0.30-3.41 0.760 Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%). ORs: odds ratios, CIs: confidence intervals