Article Figures & Data
Variables n (%) Age, mean years, Mean ±Standard diviation 14.48 ±1.61 Gender (%) Male 375 (27.7) Female 978 (72.3) Nutrition status (%) Severe malnutrition 18 (1.3) Undernourished 297 (22) Good nutrition 602 (44.5) Overnutrition 186 (13.7) Obesity 250 (18.5) Father’s education (%) No education 22 (1.6) Elementary and Junior high school 554 (40.9) Senior high school 496 (36.7) Diploma and Bachelor 281 (20.8) Mother’s education (%) No education 15 (1.1) Elementary and Junior high school 574 (42.4) Senior high school 453 (33.5) Diploma and Bachelor 311 (23) Father’s occupation(%) Jobless 57 (4.2) Labor, farmer, employer 760 (56.2) Civil servants, soldiers, police 111 (8.2) Doctor, nurse 22 (1.6) Others 403 (29.8) Mother’s occupation (%) Housewife 801 (59.2) Laborer, farmer, employer 222 (16.4) Civil servants, soldiers, police 77 (5.7) Doctor, nurse 49 (3.6) Others 204 (15.1) Family experienced layoffs during the pandemic (%) Yes 121 (8.9) No 1232 (91.1) Marital status of parents (%) Married 1147 (84.8) Divorced 117 (8.6) Others 89 (6.6) Guardians with current residence (%) Biological father-biological mother 1041 (76.9) Biological father-step mother 10 (0.7) Stepfather-biological mother 55 (4.1) Biological father only 16 (1.2) Biological mother only 115 (8.5) Others 116 (8.6) Number of families living in 1 house (%) <5 people 763 (56.4) ≥5 people 590 (43.6) Siblings living in the same house (%) Yes 1020 (75.4) No 333 (24.6) Step-siblings living in the same house (%) Yes 50 (3.7) No 1303 (96.3) Duration of using devices/watching TV (%) Never use devices/watch TV 87 (6.4) < 2 hours/day 407 (30.1) ≥ 2 hours/day 859 (63.5) Frequency and duration of exercise (%) Never exercise 401 (29.6) Once/week, with less than 30 minutes each time 419 (31) > Once a week, with less than 30 minutes each 277 (20.5) > Once a week, with 30 minutes each 107 (7.9) > Once a week, with more than 30 minutes each 149 (11) Sleep duration (%) < 6 hours 420 (31) 6-8 hours 770 (56.9) > 8 hours 163 (12) Frequency of drinking sugary drinks (%) Once/week 260 (19.2) 2-3 times/week 638 (47.2) >3 times/week 455 (33.6) Smoking habit (%) Yes 51 (3.8) No 1302 (96.2) Family members who died during the pandemic (%) Yes 87 (6.4) No 1266 (93.6) Having a disease that requires regular medication/control (%) Yes 73 (5.4) No 1280 (94.6) Living with a member of the family suffering from diseases that require regular medication/control (%) Yes 210 (15.5) No 1143 (84.5) Category parameter With depression symptoms Asymptomatic Bivariate Multivariate P-value OR 95% CI P-value OR 95% CI n (%) n (%) Lower Upper Lower Upper Age (years) Mean ±SD 14.71±1.47 14.73±1.59 <0.001* 1.152 1.067 1.243 0.457 1.035 0.945 1.135 Gender Male 52 (13.5) 323 (33.4) Ref. Female 334 (86.5) 644 (66.6) <0.001* 3.222 2.336 4.442 <0.001* 3.962 2.684 5.849 Nutritional status Severe malnutrition 9 (2.3) 9 (0.9) 0.032* 2.810 1.096 7.205 0.084 2.778 0.872 8.855 Undernourished 83 (21.5) 214 (22.1) 0.588 1.090 0.798 1.489 Good nutrition 158 (40.9) 444 (45.9) Ref. Over nutrition 61 (15.8) 125 (12.9) 0.082 1.371 0.961 1.958 Obesity 75 (19.4) 175 (18.1) 0.263 1.204 0.869 1.668 Father’s education No Education 9 (2.3) 13 (1.3) 0.208 1.770 0.728 4.306 Elementary and Junior high school 170 (44.0) 384 (39.7) 0.443 1.132 0.825 1.554 Senior high school 128 (33.2) 368 (38.1) 0.485 0.889 0.640 1.236 Diploma and Bachelor 79 (20.5) 202 (20.9) Ref. Mother’s education No Education 8 (2.1) 7 (0.7) 0.023* 3.356 1.179 9.553 0.428 1.648 0.479 5.667 Elementary and Junior high school 176 (45.6) 398 (41.2) 0.099 1.299 0.952 1.772 Senior high school 123 (31.9) 330 (34.1) 0.590 1.095 0.788 1.521 Diploma and Bachelor 79 (20.5) 232 (24.0) Ref. Father’s occupation Doctor, nurse 4 (1.0) 18 (1.9) Ref. Jobless 21 (5.4) 36 (3.7) 0.118 2.625 0.783 8.800 Labor, farmer, employer 228 (59.1) 532 (55.0) 0.240 1.929 0.646 5.762 Civil servants, soldiers, police 28 (7.3) 83 (8.6) 0.483 1.518 0.474 4.867 Others 105 (27.2) 298 (30.8) 0.414 1.586 0.525 4.792 Mother’s occupation Doctor, nurse 5 (1.3) 44 (4.6) Ref. Housewife 237 (61.4) 564 (58.3) 0.006* 3.698 1.448 9.441 0.009* 4.155 1.424 12.126 Labor, farmer, employer 70 (18.1) 152 (15.7) 0.005* 4.053 1.540 10.662 0.021* 3.665 1.216 11.051 Civil servants, soldiers, police 20 (5.2) 57 (5.9) 0.036* 3.088 1.074 8.876 0.088 2.724 0.861 8.620 Others 54 (14.0) 150 (15.5) 0.021* 3.168 1.194 8.406 0.090 2.563 0.863 7.607 Family experienced layoffs during the pandemic Yes 44 (11.4) 77 (8.0) 0.047* 1.487 1.006 2.198 0.214 1.348 0.841 2.159 No 342 (88.6) 890 (92.0) Ref. Marital status of parents Married 297 (76.9) 850 (87.9) Ref. Divorced 52 (13.5) 65 (6.7) <0.001* 2.290 1.554 3.374 0.492 1.245 0.667 2.327 Others 37 (9.6) 52 (5.4) 0.002* 2.036 1.309 3.167 0.523 1.238 0.643 2.382 Guardians in current residence Biological father-biological mother 261 (67.6) 780 (80.7) Ref. Biological father-step mother 6 (1.6) 4 (0.4) 0.021* 4.483 1.255 16.009 0.266 2.493 0.499 12.442 Step father-biological mother 21 (5.4) 34 (3.5) 0.032* 1.846 1.053 3.237 0.781 1.112 0.526 2.351 Biological father only 10 (2.6) 6 (0.6) 0.002* 4.981 1.793 13.837 0.012* 5.386 1.458 19.894 Biological mother only 43 (11.1) 72 (7.4) 0.005* 1.785 1.193 2.670 0.083 1.760 0.928 3.337 Others 45 (11.7) 71 (7.3) 0.002* 1.894 1.271 2.823 0.030* 1.826 1.059 3.146 Number of families living in 1 house <5 people 227 (58.8) 536 (55.4) 0.258 1.148 0.904 1.458 Siblings living in the same house Yes 275 (71.2) 745 (77.0) Ref. No 111 (28.8) 222 (23.0) 0.026* 1.355 1.038 1.768 0.021* 1.459 1.057 2.013 ≥5 people 159 (41.2) 431 (44.6) Ref. Step-siblings living in the same house Yes 21 (5.4) 29 (3.0) 0.034* 1.861 1.048 3.305 0.755 1.130 0.525 2.433 No 365 (94.6) 938 (97.0) Ref. Duration of using devices/watching TV Never use device/watch TV 94 (24.4) 313 (32.4) Ref. <2 hours/day 31 (8.0) 56 (5.8) 0.016* 1.843 1.123 3.026 0.335 1.330 0.745 2.374 ≥ 2 hours/day 261 (67.6) 598 (61.8) 0.007* 1.453 1.107 1.909 0.441 1.135 0.823 1.565 Frequency and duration of exercise Never exercise 170 (44.0) 231 (23.9) 0.001* 2.076 1.370 3.145 0.053 1.625 0.995 2.653 Once/week, with less than 30 minutes each time 79 (20.5) 340 (35.2) 0.060 0.655 0.422 1.017 > Once/week, with less than 30 minutes each 72 (18.7) 205 (21.2) 0.967 0.991 0.630 1.559 > Once/week, with 30 minutes each 26 (6.7) 81 (8.4) 0.734 0.905 0.510 1.606 > Once/week, with more than 30 minutes each 39 (10.1) 110 (11.4) Ref. Smoking habit Yes 29 (7.5) 22 (2.3) <0.001* 3.489 1.979 6.154 <0.001* 4.272 2.110 8.649 No 357 (92.5) 945 (97.7) Ref. Family member who died during the pandemic Yes 32 (8.3) 55 (5.7) 0.080 1.499 0.953 2.357 No 354 (91.7) 912 (94.3) Ref. Having disease that require regular medication/control Yes 38 (9.8) 35 (3.6) <0.001* 2.908 1.808 4.678 0.011* 2.057 1.177 3.595 No 348 (90.2) 932 (96.4) Ref. Family with diseases that require regular medication/control Yes 76 (19.7) 134 (13.9) 0.008* 1.524 1.118 2.078 0.226 1.253 0.870 1.806 No 310 (80.3) 833 (86.1) Ref. Analysis using logistic regression tests
CI: confidence interval, SD: standard deviation, OR: odds ratio, Ref: reference
↵* Significant at p<0.05.