Article Figures & Data
Demographic feature n (%) Age (years) (mean ± SD) 36.33±7.7 Gender Male 69 (36.7) Female 119 (63.3) Comorbidities DM 8 (4.2) HTN 11 (5.8) IHD 1 (0.5) BA 8 (4.2) Working area COVID-19 areas 107 (56.9) Non-COVID-19 areas 71 (37.7) Administration 10 (5.3) Exposure to COVID-19 patient 180 (95.7) DM: diabetes mellitus, HTN: hypertension, IHD: ischemic heart diseases, BA: bronchial asthma
Positive serology n (%) Male 2 (33.3) Female 4 (66.6) Nature of job Physician 2 (33.3) Nurse 3 (50.0) Administration 1 (16.7) Working area COVID-19 areas 1 (16.7) Non-COVID-19 areas 4 (66.6) Administration 1 (16.7) Exposure to COVID patient 6 (100) - Table 3
- Comparison between seropositive and seronegative healthcare workers under different group.
Characteristics Seropositive (%) Seronegative (%) P-values Gender Male 2 (33.33) 67 (36.81) 0.613 Female 4 (66.67) 115 (63.19) Working area of HCWs COVID-19 areas 1 (16.67) 106 (58.24) 0.0573 Non COVID-19 areas 4 (66.67) 67 (36.81) Administrative 1 (16.67) 9 (4.95) Nature of description Physician 2 (33.33) 66 (36.26) 0.653 Nurses 3 (50) 101(55.50) Administrative 1 (16.67) 15 (8.24) HCWs: healthcare workers