Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
- Comparison of the student’s scores means for the scales: conventional teaching and examination versus online teaching and examination.
Scales Scale mean ± SD Paired t P-value Conventional teaching 35.4 ± 7 6.1 0.001 Online teaching 31.8 ± 8.3 Conventional examination 16.2 ± 3.4 4.7 0.001 Online examination 15 ± 3.8 - Table 2
- Distribution of students scales’ statements for conventional teaching versus online teaching.
Conventional Teaching n (%) Online Teaching n (%) P-value Do you receive enough training for using the online learning programs and improve your computer skill? 117 (50.9) Do you receive enough training for using online learning to improve your computer skills during online teaching 116 (50.4) 0.9 Do you have easy internet access to collect reliable information (learning resources) using technology? 162 (70.4) Do you have easy internet access to collect information (learning resources) using technology in your college? 145 (63.0) 0.09 Do you think conventional teaching improve the student collaboration and share in teamwork actions on the assigned tasks? 132 (57.4) Do you think online teaching improve the student collaboration and share in teamwork actions on the assigned tasks? 90 (39.1) 0.001 Do the ordinary attended college learning improve student mode & make the education behavior better? 140 (60.9) Do online teaching improve student mode and make education behavior better? 90 (39.1) 0.001 Do the conventional teaching improve brainstorming and critical thinking? 122 (53.0) Do online teaching improve brainstorming and critical thinking? 77 (33.5) 0.001 Do the conventional teaching increase the student’s sense of guidance and support? 131 (57.0) Do online teaching increase the student’s sense of guidance and support? 90 (39.1) 0.001 Do the ordinary attended college learning help in solving of administration problems? 128 (55.7) Do online teaching help in solving of the administration problems? 74 (32.2) 0.001 Do the conventional teaching improve the student share in teaching and student activities? 137 (59.7) Do online teaching improve the student shares in teaching and student activities? 82 (35.7) 0.001 Do the conventional teaching improve student shares in community activities and volunteer work during curfew? 106 (46.1) Do online teaching improve the student shares in community activities and volunteer work during curfew? 60 (26.1) 0.001 Do the conventional teaching improve the time consuming and decrease the time lost? 110 (47.8) Do online teaching improve the time consuming and decrease the time lost? 141 (61.3) 0.001 - Table 3
- Distribution of student’s scales’ statements for conventional examination versus online examination.
Conventional exam n (%) Online exam n (%) P-value Do you think conventional exams easy to access? 167 (72.6) Do you think the online exams easy to access? 144 (62.6) 0.02 Do you think conventional exams get immediate feedback? 92 (40.0) Do you think the online exams get immediate feedback? 111 (48.3) 0.07 Do you think that the conventional exams have a sufficient time limit? 114 (49.6) Do you think the online exams have a sufficient time limit? 33 (14.3) 0.001 Do you agree that time was not wasted once the test was started since it had to be completed within a set time? 104 (45.2) Do you agree that time was not wasted once the test was started since it had to be completed within a set time? 71 (30.9) 0.001 Do you think the risks of cheating and fraud would be higher in conventional exams? 50 (21.7) Do you think the risks of cheating and fraud would be higher in online exams? 98 (42.6) 0.001 - Table 4
- Comparison of the staff scores’ means for the scales: conventional teaching and examination versus online teaching and examination.
Scales Scale mean±SD Paired t P-value Conventional teaching 41.8 ± 6.3 3.3 0.003 Online teaching 33.6 ± 74 Conventional examination 19.4 ± 3 2.6 0.01 Online examination 16.8 ± 2.4 - Table 5
- Distribution of staff scales’ statements for conventional teaching versus online teaching.
Conventional teaching n (%) Online teaching n (%) P-value I am available to my students in the college on a regular basis for questions and assistance. 20 (90.9) I am online available to my students on a regular basis for questions and assistance. 16 (72.7) 0.001 I use a variety of teaching strategies in the college to help my students learn. 21 (95.5) I use a variety of online teaching strategies to help my students learn. 15 (68.2) 0.001 I provide immediate, constructive feedback to students about assignments and questions. 15 (68.2) I provide immediate, constructive feedback to students about assignments and questions. 16 (72.7) 0.29 I enjoy conventional teaching approaches 20 (90.9) I enjoy trying new online teaching approaches 13 (59.1) 0.001 I communicate my expectations about participation, behavior, and work quality to my students 21 (95.5) I communicate my expectations about participation, behavior, and work quality to my students. 13 (59.1) 0.001 I expect conventional teaching to take more time than online teaching instruction, and I am prepared for it. 18 (81.8) I expect online teaching to take more time than face-to-face instruction and I am prepared for it. 4 (18.2) 0.001 Do you think conventional teaching improve the student collaboration and share in teamwork actions on the assigned tasks? 17 (77.3) Do you think online teaching improve the student collaboration and share in teamwork actions on the assigned tasks? 8 (36.4) 0.001 Do conventional teaching improve student mode and make educational behavior better? 17 (77.3) Do online teaching improve student mode and make educational behavior better? 4 (18.2) 0.001 Do the conventional teaching improve student skills and their development? 20 (90.9) Do online teaching improve student skills and their development? 5 (22.7) 0.001 Do the conventional teaching improves the time consuming and decrease the time lost? 14 (63.6) Do online teaching improve the time consuming and decrease the time lost? 13 (59.1) 0.3 - Table 6
- Distribution of staff scales’ statements for conventional examination versusonline examination.
Conventional exam n (%) Online exam n (%) P-value Do you think conventional exams easy to access? 18 (81.8) Do you think the online exams easy to access? 12 (54.5) 0.04 Do you think conventional exams get immediate feedback? 7 (31.8) Do you think the online exams get immediate feedback? 20 (90.9) 0.001 Do you think the conventional exams have a sufficient time limit? 20 (90.9) Do you think the online exams have a sufficient time limit? 14 (63.6) 0.03 Do you agree that time was not wasted once the test was started since it had to be completed within a set time? 17 (77.3) Do you agree that time was not wasted once the test was started since it had to be completed within a set time? 11(50.0) 0.06 Do you think the risks of cheating and fraud would be higher in conventional exams? 2 (9.1) Do you think the risks of cheating and fraud would be higher in online exams? 19 (86.4) 0.0001