Article Figures & Data
Parameters n (%) Age 18-20 26 (6.3) 20-35 150 (36.5) 35-40 58 (14.1) 40-45 83 (20.2) 50-55 58 (14.1) 60> 36 (8.8) Nationality Saudi 402 (97.8) Non-Saudi 9 (2.2) No 25 (6.1) Education level Uneducated 38 (9.2) Basic 5 (1.2) Primary 17 (4.1) Middle 24 (5.8) Secondary 77 (18.7) Bachelor’s degree 226 (55.0) Above university 16 (3.9) Others 8 (1.9) Occupation Businessman 19 (4.6) Factor 17 (4.1) Military 2 (0.5) Employee 167 (40.6) Student 25 (6.1) retired 6 (1.5) Housewife 22 (5.4) not working 133 (32.4) Other 20 (4.9) Marital status Married 258 (62.8) Single 120 (29.2) Divorced 17 (4.1) Widowed 16 (3.9) Duration of thyroid disorder Less than one year 56 (13.6) 1-5 years 42 (10.2) more than 5 years 40 (9.7) Do not have thyroid disease 273 (66.4) Overweight or obese Yes 188 (45.7) No 223 (54.3) BMI Underweight 7 (1.7) Normal 139 (33.8) Obese 135 (32.8) Overweight 130 (31.6) Waist circumference (cm) less than 70 7 (1.7) 70-100 110 (26.8) 100-140 119 (29.0) 140-180 112 (27.3) Do not know 63 (15.3) Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%). BMI: body mass index
Parameters n (%) Comorbid diseases (bias risk) Vitamin D deficiency 174 (42.3) Vitamin B12 deficiency 108 (26.3) Hypertension 91 (22.1) High blood lipids 43 (10.5) Iron deficiency anemia 60 (14.6) Diabetes 5 (1.2) Nothing 23 (5.6) Have diabetes Yes 176 (42.8) No 235 (57.2) Type of diabetes (n= 176) The first type 57 (32.4) The second type 119 (67.6) Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%).
- Table 3
- Participants’ knowledge regarding thyroid disorders in diabetes mellitus patients (N=411).
Manifestations of thyroid disorders Yes No Neutral Hypothyroidism affects the level of cholesterol in the blood 224 (54.5) 79 (19.2) 108 (26.3) A weak thyroid gland leads to heart disease 209 (50.9) 90 (21.9) 112 (27.3) Is there a relationship between diabetes and thyroid disorders? 211 (51.3) 96 (23.4) 104 (25.3) Is hypothyroidism hereditary? 179 (43.6) 143 (34.8) 89 (21.7) Fatigue and drowsiness are symptoms of thyroid disorders 305 (74.2) 47 (11.4) 59 (14.4) Sudden weight gain is a symptom of thyroid disorders 308 (74.9) 47 (11.4) 56 (13.6) Dry skin and hair are symptoms of thyroid disorders 267 (65.0) 64 (15.6) 80 (19.5) Did you know that thyroid disorders are associated with serious outcomes for the mother and fetus, when left untreated? 268 (65.2) 78 (19.0) 65 (15.8) Did you know that thyroid disorder is linked to iodine deficiency? 227 (55.2) 97 (23.6) 87 (21.2) Did you know that thyroid disorders can occur when taking certain medications or after undergoing surgery? 211 (51.3) 110 (26.8) 90 (21.9) The association between diabetes mellitus and thyroid disorders results from several biochemical, genetic, and hormonal malfunctions. 195 (47.4) 82 (20.0) 134 (32.6) Diabetes and thyroid disorders have similar signs and symptoms, such as edema, fatigue, paleness, and weight gain. 251 (61.1) 69 (16.8) 91 (22.1) The combination of diabetes and thyroid disorders can mask early diabetes complications 195 (47.4) 85 (20.7) 131 (31.9) Diabetes treatment can worsen thyroid disorder 148 (36.0) 115 (28.0) 148 (36.0) Antithyroid medications can worsen blood sugar control 174 (42.3) 84 (20.4) 153 (37.2) Diabetes affects thyroid function by altering the level of thyroid hormone and impairing the conversion of thyroid hormone to triiodothyronine in peripheral tissues. 190 (46.2) 63 (15.3) 158 (38.4) The effectiveness of thyroid hormone therapy may be affected in hypothyroid patients with coexisting diabetes 175 (42.6) 77 (18.7) 159 (38.7) There may be an increased incidence of differentiated thyroid cancer among women with diabetes 171 (41.6) 84 (20.4) 156 (38.0) Medications taken for diabetes, thyroid disorder, and other comorbidities can alter thyroid function or blood sugar control in people who live with diabetes and thyroid disorder. 184 (44.8) 70 (17.0) 157 (38.2) An unrecognized thyroid disorder can worsen blood sugar control and increase cardiovascular risks in diabetes. 188 (45.7) 72 (17.5) 151 (36.7) The effect of thyroid hormone in the digestive tract is to increase glucose absorption 181 (44.0) 77 (18.7) 153 (37.2) The effect of thyroid hormone on the liver: increased gluconeogenesis in the liver 176 (42.8) 75 (18.2) 160 (38.9) The effect of thyroid hormone on adipose tissue is to increase lipolysis, increase fatty acids in plasma. 179 (43.6) 71 (17.3) 161 (39.2) The effect of thyroid hormone on muscles is to increase glucose uptake 181 (44.0) 70 (17.0) 160 (38.9) The effect of thyroid hormone on pancreatic beta cells is to increase insulin secretion 187 (45.5) 71 (17.3) 153 (37.2) Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%).
- Table 4
- Association between the presence and duration of thyroid disease and the presence of diabetes mellitus and waist circumference (N=411).
Variables Thyroid presence and duration Total (N=411) P-values Less than one year From 1-5 years More than 5 years No Waist circumference (cm) less than 70 0 (0.0) 2 (0.5) 0 (0.0) 5 (1.2) 7 (1.7) 0.670 70-100 17 (4.1) 9 (2.2) 8 (1.9) 76 (18.5) 110 (26.8) 100-140 14 (3.4) 12 (2.9) 12 (2.9) 81 (19.7) 119 (29.0) 140-180 17 (4.1) 15 (3.6) 12 (2.9) 68 (16.5) 112 (27.3) I do not know 8 (1.9) 4 (1.0) 8 (1.9) 43 (10.5) 63 (15.3) Have DM? Yes 29 (7.1) 22 (5.4) 15 (3.6) 110 (26.8) 176 (42.8) 0.205 No 27 (6.6) 20 (4.9) 25 (6.1) 163 (39.7) 235 (57.2) Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%). T-test used to calculate the p-values.