Article Figures & Data
Study variables n (%) Age group 18 – 20 years 187 (17.0) 21 – 23 years 549 (50.0) 24 – 26 years 311 (28.3) >26 years 52 (04.7) Gender Male 485 (44.1) Female 614 (55.9) Marital status Single 1013 (92.2) Married 68 (06.2) Divorced 16 (01.5) Widowed 02 (0.2) Type of institution Government medical college 983 (89.4) Private medical college 116 (10.6) Region of medical college Central Region 367 (33.4) Northern Region 227 (20.7) Southern Region 229 (20.8) Eastern Region 140 (12.7) Western Region 136 (12.4) Academic year level 1st year 119 (10.8) 2nd year 131 (11.9) 3rd year 209 (19.0) 4th year 214 (19.5) 5th year 259 (23.6) Intern 167 (15.2) Grade point average 4.75–5 230 (20.9) 4.5–4.74 229 (20.8) 4–4.49 313 (28.5) 3–3.99 278 (25.3) 2.99 or less 49 (04.5) Personal monthly income (SAR) 1000-2000 805 (73.2) 2000-3000 91 (08.3) 3000-4000 37 (03.4) 4000-5000 26 (02.4) >5000 140 (12.7) Extra income Yes 366 (33.3) No 733 (66.7) Source of extra income (n=366) Family support 301 (82.2) Part-time job 38 (10.4) University bonus 14 (03.8) Others 13 (03.6) Living status With my family 925 (84.2) With a colleague 63 (05.7) I live alone 111 (10.1) Smoking Yes 223 (20.3) No 876 (79.7) Associated chronic disease Yes 135 (12.3) No 964 (87.7) Diagnosed with mental illness Yes 200 (18.2) No 899 (81.8) Specific mental illness (n=200) Psychosis 22 (11.0) Bipolar 17 (08.5) Depression 93 (46.5) Anxiety 55 (27.5) Phobia 02 (01.0) Others 11 (05.5) Self-esteem Statement Mean±SD 1. On the whole, I am satisfied with myself 2. At times I think I am no good at all † 3. I feel that I have a number of good qualities 4. I am able to do things as well as most other people 5. I feel I do not have much to be proud of † 6. I certainly feel useless at times † 7. I feel that I’m a person of worth 8. I wish I could have more respect for myself † 9. All in all, I am inclined to think that I am a failure † 10. I take a positive attitude toward myself Total self-esteem score 17.9 ± 5.38 Level of self-esteem Low (<15 points) 265 (24.1%) Normal (15-25 points) 738 (67.2%) High (>25 points) 96 (08.7%) ↵Response has a range from “strongly disagree” coded with 0 to “strongly agree” coded with 3. † Score was reverse coded.
Behavior statements Level of self-esteem Low Normal/High P-value* Mean±SD Seeking professional (medical) help 2.63±0.88 2.68±0.92 0.511 Attaching to students’ study groups 2.37±0.88 2.69±0.89 <0.001** Attending self-development programs 2.26±0.91 2.67±0.93 <0.001** Using illicit drugs (alcohol, amphetamine, and so on) 1.49±0.86 1.47±0.85 0.719 Self-medication to increase my self-esteem 2.03±1.01 1.99±1.03 0.579 Self-injury behaviors 1.82±0.96 1.57±0.87 <0.001** Suicidal behaviors 1.86±0.99 1.50±0.86 <0.001** Procrastination 3.03±1.07 2.42±1.06 <0.001** Avoiding certain situations or people 3.27±0.88 2.87±0.86 <0.001** Quitting tasks partially 2.94±0.87 2.50±0.87 <0.001** Rushing through work 2.85±0.89 2.56±0.82 <0.001** Displaying an “I don’t care” attitude 2.98±0.94 2.59±0.93 <0.001** Trying to please others all the time 2.72±1.00 2.35±0.95 <0.001** Working excessively hard at everything I do 2.72±0.97 2.83±0.85 0.079 Trying to be perfect all of the time 3.01±0.91 2.92±0.87 0.167 Excessive competitiveness 2.57±0.99 2.57±0.90 0.999 Acting angrily if mistakes are made 2.94±0.94 2.57±0.88 <0.001** Being unable to say no 2.83±0.93 2.49±0.91 <0.001** Frequently putting yourself down when you speak 2.96±0.85 2.26±0.89 <0.001** Dismissing your thoughts as unimportant to others 3.01±0.81 2.33±0.89 <0.001** Avoiding giving your opinion or expressing your feelings 3.000.90 2.43±0.89 <0.001** Seeking sympathy from others 2.17±0.96 2.03±0.91 0.027** Getting other people to do things for you because you believe you aren’t capable 2.20±0.99 1.89±0.92 <0.001** Acting in an aggressive way (such as shouting, and so on) 2.34±0.96 2.03±0.95 <0.001** Blame others for the negative way you feel about yourself 2.28±0.99 2.00±0.93 <0.001** Being defensive when others give you constructive criticism or feedback 2.55±0.93 2.25±0.91 <0.001** ↵Response has a range from “strongly disagree” coded with 1 to “strongly agree” coded with 4. *P-value has been calculated using an independent sample t-test. **Significant at p<0.05 level.
- Table 4
- Association between the level of self-esteem and the socio-demographic characteristics of the medical students (N=1099).
Factor Level of self-esteem P-value§ Low (n=265) Normal/High (n=834) Age group ≤23 years 178 (67.2) 558 (66.9) 0.937 >23 years 87 (32.8) 276 (33.1) Gender Male 88 (33.2) 397 (47.6) <0.001** Female 177 (66.8) 437 (52.4) Type of institution Government medical college 237 (89.4) 746 (89.4) 0.995 Private medical college 28 (10.6) 88 (10.6) Region of medical college Central Region 89 (33.6) 278 (33.3) 0.783 Northern Region 52 (19.6) 175 (21.0) Southern Region 51 (19.2) 178 (21.3) Eastern Region 39 (14.7) 101 (12.1) Western Region 34 (12.8) 102 (12.2) Academic year level Junior students 109 (41.1) 350 (42.0) 0.810 Senior students 156 (58.9) 484 (58.0) Grade point average 5-4.75 43 (16.2) 187 (22.4) 0.039** 4.74-4.5 53 (20.0) 176 (21.1) 4.49-4 80 (30.2) 233 (27.9) 3.99-3 70 (26.4) 208 (24.9) 2.99 or less 19 (07.2) 30 (03.6) Personal monthly income (SAR) ≤2000 198 (74.7) 607 (72.8) 0.535 >2000 67 (25.3) 227 (27.2) Extra income Yes 78 (29.4) 288 (34.5) 0.125 No 187 (70.6) 546 (65.5) Living status With my family 19 (82.6) 706 (84.7) 0.344 With a colleague 20 (07.5) 43 (05.2) I live Alone 26 (09.8) 85 (10.2) Smoking Yes 52 (19.6) 171 (20.5) 0.756 No 213 (80.4) 663 (79.5) Associated chronic disease Yes 38 (14.3) 97 (11.6) 0.242 No 227 (85.7) 737 (88.4) Diagnose with mental illness Yes 75 (28.3) 125 (15.0) <0.001** No 190 (71.7) 709 (85.0) ↵ § P-value has been calculated using Chi-square test, **significant at p<0.05 level.
- Table 5
- Multivariate regression analysis to determine the independent significant factor associated with low self-esteem (N=1099).
Factor AOR 95% CI P-value Gender Male Ref Female 1.851 1.365 – 2.511 <0.001** Grade point average 5-4.75 0.726 0.458 – 1.151 0.173 4.74-4.5 0.614 0.401 – 0.941 0.025 * 4.49-4 0.574 0.368 – 0.894 0.014** 3.99-3 0.308 0.155 – 0.612 0.001** 2.99 or less Ref Diagnose with mental illness Yes 1.971 1.408 – 2.759 <0.001** No Ref ↵AOR:adjusted odds ratio, CI: confidence interval. **Significant at p<0.05 level.